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Future of Fitness

Mar 29, 2022

Dr. Sean Pastuch is a thought leader in the health and fitness world whose industry disrupting company, Active Life, is bridging the gap between performance and rehabilitation. Dr. Sean believes that the larger the problem, the more valuable the solution. He believes that the biggest problem worth solving is the absence...

Mar 22, 2022

Brandon Cullen brings an edgy approach to entrepreneurship through the valuable experience he’s earned as a professional athlete turned business owner. Brandon hosts an entrepreneurial-inspired podcast, Playing Guilty, and is the co-founder and chief concept officer of MADabolic—the industry’s first and only...

Mar 15, 2022

Shane Farmer is the founder of Dark Horse Rowing the largest rowing YouTube channel in the world and an online fitness business veteran, he's been learning and building from a bootstrap perspective since 2015.



Mar 8, 2022

Liz Clark is IHRSA's first female president and chief executive officer in the association's 40-year history, and looks to double down on advocacy and communication efforts. A self-described "Energizer Bunny" and well-regarded Beltway presence, Liz is focused on making IHRSA known in Washington, D.C. She is a...

Mar 1, 2022

Daniel Tal Mor is the co-founder and CEO of Lumen, a company developing consumer nutrition management platform based on a small device that measures metabolism in a single breath and provides personalized food, lifestyle, and health recommendations. Lumen sold 10,000 devices on Indiegogo during the...