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Future of Fitness

Sep 23, 2020

Today, we celebrate our 200th episode by taking a walk down memory lane and listening to some key moments in the last few episodes.

Eric Malzone started this podcast almost 3 years ago because he wanted to help modernize the fitness industry. He tries to make the episodes as relevant and frequent as possible to keep up with current events and wants to help play a part in making the value of the fitness professional rise. Eric loves hearing from the fans and uses the feedback he receives to help add even more value right back into the podcast. 

Starting Businesses (3:50) 

  • Building a brand, company, or network is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to really believe in yourself and what you are trying to put out into the industry. 
  • Try and focus more on the bigger picture of what you yourself are trying to do for people and the world around you.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something if you believe and work hard enough, anything is possible.
  • Ask the people what they want, ask people what makes them happy, and adapt your business constantly to meet these criteria to the best of your ability. 
  • Don’t be afraid to challenge the norms of others. That difference might be what sets you apart from the rest.
  • However, don’t see everyone as competition, be open to collaboration with others because your weak area might be someone else’s strong area, and by working together, you can both reach higher and further. 

Making a difference (8:25)

  • It’s the little things that make a big difference to peoples’ days like knowing people’s names and saying hello and goodbye as they come and go. 
  • For some people coming to the gym or fitness club, is the best part of their day and, fitness professionals should strive to make those spaces as inclusive and safe for these people. 
  • To be happy, you need to find things that are constructive and good for you. We want people to smile more, we want people to move a bit more and ultimately, it comes down to mental health more than anything. 
  • Thoughts are uncontrollable, but your reaction to your thoughts is completely in your control. 

Fitness and Health during Covid-19 (24:48)

  • Corona has acted as a catalyst and has accelerated the modernization of the fitness industry.
  • It’s also helped people become more health conscious as it directly relates to people caring for their bodies to build up that healthy immune system. 
  • Professionals are hoping and believing that the virus has changed the industry and people’s outlook on health for the better. 
  • People have leaned on the fitness industry more than ever as an outlet for physical and mental wellness in uncertain times.


Reach out to Eric: LinkedIn

Future of Fitness Website: Website
