Mar 1, 2020
Vito LaFata
Vito LaFata is the co-owner of The Visionary Planner and now has a vineyard with a Tuscan Villa in a private retreat called Vision in the Vineyards. He is a Business Educator, Personal Brand Coach, and certified High-Performance Coach to Wellness & Fitness professionals wanting to grow their personal brands.
The Visionary Planner is a complete step by step Business in a Box and Operations Manual to start, launch and scale your online business.
What has Vito been doing the past few years?
What are the keys to understanding one’s vision and having something that is so emotionally driving that it gets you through the rough period of getting started?
What does it mean to develop Brand in your mind?
How does someone take steps to build Brand and what are the steps to take to initiate people with that?
What tactics do you have for people to build their audience?
What do the next two years look like for you?
Vito’s Book Recommendations
Grant Cardone’s books Grant Cordone Store
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Check out The Visionary Planner Website