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Future of Fitness

Apr 8, 2020

In today’s episode, Tony Gentilcore and I discuss our current global situation regarding COVID-19; what it means for the fitness world, and how to cope at this time. 

Tony is the co-founder of Cressey Performance in Hudson, Massachusetts, and the author of a popular blog called Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves. 

Do you see people marketing the fact that people are making more money during this time? 03:16

  • Tony says the one thing he has noticed is that people are still selling products during this time. He adds that he sees no issue with it, as he does the same. 
  • Fitness professionals recognize the fact that they have a lot of free time, and offer others in the industry a way to improve their skills and crafts. 
  • He says they just released their shoulder and hip blueprint because he feels it is a good resource to have during this time. They even lowered the price, and they are offering a payment plan. 
  • Tony also says that there are individuals who are taking a nefarious approach to their marketing and taking advantage of the situation, which is unfortunate. 

How do you feel about individuals selling their services at this time? 06:17

  • If you have something valuable to offer, you shouldn’t feel bad about selling your services. 
  • He explains that he shut down his studio, so he’s not training anyone in person, but he is offering virtual training classes. He says he is charging his normal rate for these classes because he is still a certified, knowledgeable coach. 
  • Tony says in these times of uncertainty, people are feeling obligated to lower their prices because they aren’t offering their services in person, which he feels is a normal reaction, but most loyal customers will be satisfied with paying the full rate. 
  • He adds that we are in a time where people understand that we need to support each other, and he sees a lot of good things happening in the industry. 

What do you think are the qualities of leadership? 07:49

  • Tony explains that being on lockdown will take its toll on mental health, and we should look out for each other.
  • He says there is a big opportunity for fitness professionals to become a major role in their clients’ lives. 
  • You can engage with your clients by doing Zoom calls, running groups or even just call your clients, and that will go a long way. 
  • He adds that people are going to need help with their weight management and mobility during the lockdown, but the most important thing is that they just need someone to talk to. 
  • He says there is more to being a coach than just training; during this lockdown, Tony has put in a lot of effort to support his clients, both emotionally and with their fitness levels. 

What is going to be different about the fitness industry once this pandemic has run its course? 13:59

  • Tony says he thinks a lot of people will realize that they have created an efficient setup for themselves, and they won’t see the point in spending a lot of money on a gym membership anymore. 
  • He adds that he thinks there will be a delay in the time it takes people to get back to the gym once this is over. 
  • However, for the people who have made fitness a part of their lives, going back to the gym will probably be the first thing they take control of when this pandemic has ended. 
  • He says he is very concerned about small business owners and what this lockdown will mean for their business. He thinks a lot of people will have to close their businesses and lose all their hard work. 

Are there any tips you have for people to get through lockdown? 27:56

  • Tony says it’s important to reach out to friends and colleagues. 
  • He says people want to feel like they are in people’s thoughts and that they have a support system. 
  • He adds that you need to stay authentic and be yourself. It’s okay to be in touch with your emotions; it’s okay to show vulnerability and its okay to cry.
  • He says that he finds solace in the fact that everyone is in the same boat. 
  • Everyone is dealing with this crisis. We all experience it differently, and it causes more problems for some people than others, but no one is alone in this. It doesn’t just affect one group or class of people. 


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