Jan 21, 2018
Cody was a New Zealand rugby player who was on track to become a professional rugby player. After multiple devastating injuries, he embraced this “flame” and found a new purpose pursuing fitness in a country he never imagined he would find himself. Inspired by this new direction, he started off by gathering groups of people on the weekends and collecting 5,000KRW ($5) notes in plastic bags, which lead to opening a functional fitness facility.
Through this successful business, he partnered with Reebok to help launch CrossFit in Korea. After several successful years of doing this, he helped to launch the Be More Human project with Reebok which seeks to change the culture of fitness of Korea. It's his unique experience in these areas along with years of coaching 1000's of people and launching successful fitness enterprises, that he is able to be here to share his gifts and passion with you.
With over 12 years of experience working in the industry, Cody has a real passion for helping people achieve and succeed no matter who they are and what they do.